Remember those last few posts? About doing interviews in my socks?

Well, I got a job. I’m officially a middle school teacher.

Which is terrifying.

I’ll update you.

Potentially bad news for you because all that time I had to write just sprouted wings and flew out the window the moment I accepted that job. My summer is now all about giving myself a crash course in working with middle school kids, given that all my student teaching was done at the high school level.



Lili · May 30, 2020 at 1:33 am

I’m sorry that you have to work with little demons now, but also there’s a 99% chance your going to be that one teacher all the baby gays flock too so prepare yourself ✨🧚🏻

Jen · May 30, 2020 at 2:42 am

Yay! Congrats. You’ll be great.

    Gypsy Frix · June 3, 2020 at 4:00 pm

    Congratulations! Middle school is the best age group in my opinion. It is so crucial to have good teachers at that age. It is challenging but so worth it. I believe those are the years you have the most impact on a child’s education. Seventh grade is my absolute favorite which most people avoid. Best wishes on you new journey. One of your brightest battles will be confidence. Build those kids confidence and they can do so much more than they think. That school is lucky to have snagged you up. Be sure to have your “me” time because you so need it. Sorry, not the best writer so I will just stick with math and science. Get your Teach on!

Mary · May 30, 2020 at 2:56 am

Congratulations! I never taught middle school, but my very best high school teacher ended up adding middle school sections of her art history courses (back in the day this was a progressive college-prep K-12 girls’ school), and she loved teaching that age group–they were way goofier, and at the same time completely present. She found that when she taught them again as Seniors, they remembered everything! You’ll have a ball.

    Shannon · May 30, 2020 at 1:35 pm

    Congratulations! To be clear, I do not consider this bad news at all. I’m excited for you!

Sam · May 30, 2020 at 12:09 pm

sincerest congratulations and best of luck!
loved reading your posts on this adventure…

Sarah Wiseman · May 30, 2020 at 5:29 pm

Wow! Fantastic! Good for you!

And.. Middle school is great! I think that age range is the very best… Not that its common here, but I spent some time in a middle school and loved it. As other commenters have said, you can get some amazing connections with pupils of that age.
You will love it! (as long as the school support you well)
I am expecting a considerable reduction in your literary output(!), but I’m sure you’ll still need a little stress relieving writing from time to time. 😁
Hopefully you can enjoy your summer now, and plan for the future.. As much as is possible in the current crisis. Well done again! Phew! 🥳

Regan · May 31, 2020 at 2:47 pm

Congratulations! That would be my worst nightmare! But my best friend went back to college at 50! She got a teaching degree and a job at the middle school and loved it. Good luck!

Jan · May 31, 2020 at 3:18 pm

Congratulations–nailing a job in this climate is huge, and you’ll have a new experience to transfer into your writing. You seem to have the high energy that works really well with middle school age kids, so that will be good–I taught at a program for years that had grades 6-12, and though I was much better with the older kids, (my delivery and humor is much more low key, so I had to be *goofy* to engage with the younger ones at times–highly effective, but not my preferred go to.) I will say despite the challenges, the middle schoolers could be the sweetest kids, and it is an extraordinary opportunity to get them squared away with basic techniques for learning, ESPECIALLY writing and communicating effectively before high school. And you have lots of tricks (experience) for incorporating movement into your instruction–I’m not kidding–breaking up class with bits of physical activity is a great gift to the process at that age, as long as you have the skills to bring them back to focus.Otherwise, you watch them run out the door and take advantage of some quiet time. Kidding, but have seen it happen. 🙂 Most of the folks I have known either love middle school or move on to other grades, so now it’s your turn to find your home in teaching. Best of luck–keep a sense of humor, and again, congrats!

Hazard · June 1, 2020 at 5:51 am

Take care of yourself and your new lil flock!

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